April rolled over this weekend! Friday night to be exact. I was at my parents' house for our weekly fish-and-chips ritual. I was letting April air her little butt out, because we're finally back to cloth diapers after the yeast debacle and I had her in a small sized BumGenius. Lo and behold, she does not fit in a small size! EEEEK. So big! Hence the red marks in the photos.
Anyway, she's been teasing us with almost-rolling or rolling while we're on the bed with her (and the blanket or pillow makes a little ramp to help her). But this was the complete unaided roll! I didn't have my video camera (ironically, since I have several minutes of her almost-rolling!)
I'm sorry Rob was at work, but I'm glad I was around to see it. So as of August 5, 2011, April will not necessarily stay where I put her. :)
Ack! I just want to pinch those buns. Yay, April! Watch out world, here she comes!